Flight Log - 2012-01-14 - Jeff Boldig's Grape Shot

Scratch built 4" rocket.  8' tall, 54mm MMT.  Weight is 8.5 lbs w/o motor.  Dual deploy

Flight Date: 2012-01-14
Rocket Name: Grape Shot
Flyer's Name: Jeff Boldig
Motors: J510
Expected Altitude: 3,000.00 Feet
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
Launch Site: Battle Park
Actual Altitude: 3,293.00 Feet

Found this flight in my StratoLogger data.  It has to be from Grapeshot, but I don't have a record of it.  The altitude is between the 2400 ft a J350W gets and the 6500 a K695 would get.  I didn't fly anything else unless this was a motor someone gave me. To long ago. I don't remember.  If Mike has the flight cards and can find it, I'll edit this.

1Aerotech J510


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