Flight Log - 2012-03-30 - Jeff Boldig's Grape Shot

Scratch built 4" rocket.  8' tall, 54mm MMT.  Weight is 8.5 lbs w/o motor.  Dual deploy

Flight Date: 2012-03-30
Rocket Name: Grape Shot
Flyer's Name: Jeff Boldig
Motors: J420-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 2,200.00 Feet
Wind Speed: 8.00 mph
Launch Site: Battle Park
Actual Altitude: 1,765.00 Feet

Used the RC parachute.  The radio deployment worked great.  The nose cone shock cord tangled with the chute shrouds and the chute never opened fully.  No radio control, but soft landing and no damage.

1Aerotech J420R-0


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