Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / Tools / Range Boxes

    The return of the C5... (2020-05-31)
    At the end of this week, I received an email from Estes, featuring this image: This got me very excited, for the following reasons: An increase in the types of available 18mm black ... [Read More]

    Boy Scout build and fly... (2015-09-19)
    I dragged myself, my range box, and four rockets outside at 6:30 AM this morning to meet Chuck and Duane in the parking lot. After loading the stuff into the back of Chuck's SUV, we headed out to ... [Read More]

    An hour with the B sisters... (2015-09-20)
    After the scout launch yesterday, Duane warned me that he might head over to Pegasus field this afternoon for a couple of practice flights with his geezer TARC rocket. When he called about 3 to let ... [Read More]