Improbable Ventures Blog

Improbable Ventures Posts

Sport Rocketry / Construction / Fins

High power rocket: Beginning construction (2019-11-22)
I finally got my head out of my ass and started putting together this high power rocket. (My head is often firmly lodged in my ass, so extracting it is time-consuming and unusual.) The basic parts ... [Read More]

How to build a fiberglass rocket, part 9: attaching fins (2020-06-11)
Exciting times! I’m ready to attach the fins. If you’ve never put together a rocket before, well, I’m baffled that you are reading this blog. But typically, a rocket will have ... [Read More]

How to build a fiberglass rocket, part 10: epoxy injection for fins (2020-06-22)
Fair warning here: I’m actually splitting the “attaching the fins” information into three separate posts. This is not out of a sense of malice or sadism, but simply because ... [Read More]